Various and definitely usable navigation applications can help to find the way and direction. Navigon, TomTom and others are the providers. An issue is of course the need for energy on longer trips, and not all oldtimers do have a cigarette lighter! Google Maps may also often be of help, but it's not a navigation software and downloads can become expensive.
File sharing:
DropBox and other applications are useful to share data and files between your PC and the iPhone. You want to have a map with you or a list of hotels with you on your iPhone? No problem with these applications.
There's a number of weather apps out there, typically tailored to local needs. Search.ch for example allows you to see an animated rain forecast for the next 12 or so hours, very useful for the ones who can't take their top with them in their classic car ;-)
Internet Search:
Google and other Search Engines will help you to find the information you need. Often you do this through the iPhone browser (Safari), but there are also native search applications.
More and more journals and dealers offer their pre-owned cars through iPhone applications. Many of the online classifieds portals do provide iPhone apps.
As many classic car drivers log their fuel and oil consumptions and their trips made, an iPhone app could come handy here. Various types of apps are available.
Sound recording:
Not only can recorded engine noise soundtracks be fun, they might also help you if you have a problem and want to illustrate the problem to your mechanic. The standard sound recording software available with OS 3.0 is quite good and will do the job.
Photos and camera:
The built in camera isn't really a highlight, but for some occasions it's certainly good enough. And you can send the pictures immediately through email or MMS, so you can inform your mechanic about a problem for example.
What do I miss:
I would like to have a good application to locate/search Specialists. For example, if I am in Germany and have a problem I would want to know where the next (geo based) maintenance shop for my car is.
I would also find it useful to be shown the closest Racetrack wherever I am.
And, in case of mechanical problems a diagnostic tool for old cars would be really useful.
And, why not have an app that warns you 10 minutes before it starts to rain at the place you are? This would help to close the car's top in time before it's all wet in the interior ;-)
Any more ideas from your side? Don't hesitate to comment!
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